Alasdair Lindsay
Lower Town quay, St Martins, Isles of Scilly - acrylic on canvas - 100 x 80cm SOLD
The Thames at Tower Bridge - acrylic on canvas - 80 x 150cm
Sea pool and fishing boat, Cornwall - acrylic on board - 45 x 70cm
Pool in moonlight, Los Angeles - acrylic on board - 30 x 30cm SOLD

Born in Cheshire in 1975, Alasdair Lindsay then came to Cornwall in 1996 to study at Falmouth College of Art and has remained there ever since.
In 2004 Alasdair won 2nd prize in the prestigious Hunting Art Prize and was also selected to exhibit in the Hunting Art Prize in 2000, 2004 and 2005. In 2007 his work was exhibited in the Singer Freidlander Sunday Times Watercolour Competition at Mall Galleries, London.
“Many of my Cornish paintings study the areas where sea meets land. I am drawn to the water – surfing, sea swimming and sailing all giving new perspectives, and for me an important part of enjoying life in Cornwall. Another perspective is viewing the landscape from above; inspired when I was young by seeing Peter Lanyon’s painting. The grid like forms of aerial landscape and long, narrative shadows have also struck a chord with my way of working. Over the last few years, I have painted the Thames from above after a helicopter trip with fellow artist Neil Pinkett taking photographs over the bridges. I also study aerial subjects closer to home in Cornwall, using a drone to get the perspectives I need. Sea pools and seaside architecture have been a particular focus over the last winter, resulting in a new body of work for 2024.”
We are delighted to welcome Alasdair Lindsay as one of our new artists joining us in 2024.